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Kuwait Oil Company(KOC) Auditing

Views: 29002/06/2012  

On 18th January 2012, 7 peoples from Kuwait Oil Company(KOC) came to our company for mill auditing. Deputy General Manager Yao Weiming and related personnel from the department of foreign trade, the department of production and the department of quality participated in reception and communication.

Vice CMO Xu Caibin warmly welcomed Kuwait Oil Company(KOC) auditing team, and briefly introduced Changbao current status and development, hopefully for further in-depth cooperation and communication with Kuwait Oil Company(KOC).

The department of Foreign trade, quality, production and others made a lot of the preparatory work, the authentication divided into on-site auditing and documents reviewing. The on-site auditing both included ChangBao tubing and casing mill, which got overall good impression there; Documents reviewing is smooth too. After the completion of the auditing, for our casing products, we should submit another independent application of Pre-Q documents for casing later, intended to be approved together with the tubing mill. However, Kuwait petroleum corporation (KOC) mill auditing successfully completed which lays a good foundation for marketing the Kuwait in the near future.

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