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Chairman Statement

Welcome to the website of Jiangsu Changbao Steel Tube Limited Co.

On behalf of all members of Changbao:

To you, to care for and support us domestic and foreign friends and the public to express my sincere thanks!

Changbao was founded in 1958. The revolution of Changbao has gone through the period of tough beginning, market economy and professional pursuit. After decades of ups and downs, Changbao has adhered to the development of brand specialization, engaged in the research and manufacturing of high-end special tubes, and adhered to the path of "specialized, high-end and innovation-driven" and high-quality development.

Someone asked me, what is the core competitiveness of Changbao? l said, it consists of good management team, high-quality products, branded customers, swift marketing reaction, creative mechanism and core elite,as well as earnest, consistent, traditional and innovative company culture.

Someone also asked me, what is the value and significance of your company? I said, to provide high-end product and service, to create core value for customers and creat more value for society. This is the reason Changbao exist and its mission.Changbao always adheres to the business development philosophy of "brand, leadership, value, and partnership", striving to enhance its own value, and actively create value for customers and partners, and build a common value platform for Changbao, our employees, our shareholders, our society, and our stakeholders.

The development is like running marathon,racing steadily,progressively and persistently into the distance with the strength and endurance can acquire the final honor and respect.The fittest will survive in the dynamic competition.Only by developing based on our creative and steady strategy,constantly improving and upgrading, can Changbao be built to last.Changbao insists on working for the future and for the health,refusing to be mediocre and pursuing excellence, striving for long-term success and a systematic future.

At present, Changbao focuses on the vision of "becoming a globally renowned brand enterprise for special steel tubes", practicing the enterprise mission of "continuous progress, creating more value for society", adhering to the development strategy of "specialized and high-end, differential and strong", fully participating in global division of labor, firmly implementing the "specialized, high-end and innovation-driven" and high-quality development positioning, guided by "brand management, professional management, compliance management, and calm management", with the goal of maximizing efficiency and value, striving to create a pioneering and leading enterprise in the segmented market for special tubes!

I believe the vision and mission of Changbao will come true with the effort of our excellent leadership and our advanced company culture, and become a globally renowned special tube manufacturer!

Thank the people who support for us and make contribution to Changbao!

Chairman of Changbao: Cao Jian.

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