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The company held the meeting of academician workstations

Views: 26311/24/2011  

On the December 18th of 2010, the second meeting of Changbao enterprise's academician workstations was held on the fourth floor of the technology building. The people who took part in the meeting were academician Yin Guomao, academician Wang Guodong, two academician teams, general manager Zhu Hongzhang, Executive Deputy general manager Zhou Jiahua, general manager assistant Yao Weimin, department managers and technical personnels from our company.

At the meeting, Executive Deputy general manager Zhou Jiahua introduced our company and invited the academicians and their team to visit our factory and the sample room. Academician Yin Guomao and academician Wang Guodong made an impromptu speech. Academician Yin Guomao pointed out that the members of the Changbao academician workstation team mainly came from the national key laboratory of rolling technology and rolling automation in Northeastern University. They had key breakthroughs in plates and long products. We should work together to develop the way how to apply these thoughts to the tube. Also we can develop other specialities under the help of academician workstations. Academician Yin Guomao also said that it was very important to help the enterprise do steel construction well according to the concept of environmental protection and the scientific outlook on development.

The company's technology represents Wang Weimin, Yin Weiqun, Gao Huaizhen,  Li Jun introduced,,<The Discussion of CPE Unit's Rolling Specifications>,,. The technology personnels and the academician experts talked about the problems of technology and had a preliminary cooperation intention of the API improved connection, the technology of P110's rolling and cold controlling and the technology of coal gasification and so on.

At last, Executive Deputy general manager Zhou Jiahua pointed out that the "enterprise academician workstation" was the platform which was built according to the need of our company's technological innovation. It aims to improve the company's independent innovation ability and competition ability by combining the high-end talent introduction with the technological innovation. It is helpful for the company's scientific effort to make a great-leap-forward development by the help of the academician experts' intelligence.



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