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The first export sodality of seamless pipe in 2011

Views: 21811/24/2011  

On 26th May of 2011, the first export sodality of seamless pipe was held in Changzhou by steel tube branch of China steel association. Jiangsu Changbao steel tube Co., LTD undertook it. The people of Baosteel, TPCO, Hengyang Valin, Pangang Group, Wuxi Seamless Steel Tube Co., LTD and Shandong Molong Petroleum Machinery Company Limited and so on were participated in the meeting.

The secretary-general of China steel association steel tube branch Mr. Kong conducted the meeting and the general manager of JiangSu ChangBao steel tube Co., LTD Zhu Hongzhang began with a speech to welcome the guests. At the meeting, we not only analyzed and summarized the import and export work of the seamless pipe in 2010 but also the export situation and the forecast of export target in 2011. Aiming at the situation that the number digits of China's customs changed from 8 to 10, we also did a discussion. Each participant units introduced their exports of their enterprise in 2010 and the forecast and target of their export situation in 2011.



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