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Changbao recognized as a superior supplier by MHPS and GE

Views: 17901/16/2021  

At the General Electric (GE) 2020 Annual Supplier Conference in November 2020, GE presented Changbao with a 2020 Strategic Partner Award and expressed gratitude to the company for its consistent, long-lasting, and high-quality goods and services. When Mr. Shi Xiandong and Mr. Takuya Igojun, the purchasing ministers of Japan Mitsubishi Power (MHPS), visited Changbao, they presented Changbao with a letter of gratitude and the 2020 Annual Best Partner Award on behalf of MHPS for its assistance with MHPS's contract delivery and product quality in 2020.


Full of honor, the customer's affirmation is the driving force for Changbao to move forward, in the future development process, Changbao will focus on continuous progress, to provide more high-quality products and services, to create more value for customers.

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