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Elegant Demeanour

Changbao Photography Association was founded

Views: 24107/28/2014  

The inaugural ceremony of Changbao Photography Association was held at the meeting room of scientific building at afternoon in July 28, 2014.The first batch of assosiation member participate in the ceremony.CEO Han Qiaolin also attended and delivered a speech.

Changbao Photography Association is a public assosiation, created by employees who loves photography. The purpose of the assosiation is to develop photographers’ability and help promote Changbao’s company culture.

At the speech deliveried by CEO Han, Han firstly congratulated the foundation of the association on behalf of the company. He also put forward four expects about the assosiation’s activity. First, the association member should observe the regulation, making the assosiation a window to show Changbao’s style. Second, via photography, the association can record the progress and historical events of Changbao.Third, colorful events could transfer positive power for Changbao’s development.Fourth, the menbers should learn to observe and think, and try to attract and infulence  more colleagues.

At the ceremony, the members also elected chairman, vice chairman and secretary-general for the association. They also enjoyed and appreciated some photo works taken by the members together.

            ( Repoted by Chen Yulin ,Photo taken by Xie Hongju)

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